Mindfulness Walking – Level 2

Say “ Trigger “ to the right sole. Then move the mind back and forth from the toe to the heel and from the heel to the toe.

Say “ Right right right …” while slowly raise the right heel up to the proper height. Then pause for a while.

Say “ Trigger “ to the right sole. Then move the mind back and forth from the toe to the heel and from the heel to the toe.

Say “ Up up up …” while slowly raise the right foot up backward. Then pause for a while.

Say “ Trigger “ to the right sole. Then move the mind back and forth from the toe to the heel and from the heel to the toe.

Say “ Walk walk walk …” while slowly pace the right foot forward.  Then pause for a while.

Say “ Trigger “ to the right sole. Then move the mind back and forth from the toe to the heel and from the heel to the toe.

Say “ Now now now …” while slowly place the right foot on the floor. Then pause for a while.

Say “ Trigger “ to the left sole. Then move the mind back and forth from the toe to the heel and from the heel to the toe.

Do the same practice as the right foot has done. And walk alternately right and left for 15 feet of the distance.  Then take the final step before stopping.

For the final pace before stop walking, ( Supposed the right foot is the final step ) just Say “ Stop stop stop …” instead of Saying “ “ Walk walk walk …” while slowly paces the right foot forward.  Then pause for a while. (Just change the said word from “Walk walk walk… “ to “Stop stop stop …” )

Say “ Trigger “ to the right sole.  Then move the mind back and forth from the toe to the heel and from the heel to the toe.

Say “ Now now now …” while slowly place the right foot at the side of the left one. Then pause for a while.

Now get into the Standing – Stage. Then move into the Turning – Stage