Breathing Meditation – Counting Approach

Sitting Meditation - Counting Approach

Move your concentration to the inner nose tip in order to find out the Focus Point (FP).

Continuously say “ 1..1..1…” over the FP while breathing in up until the utmost end of the inhalation.

Continuously say “ 1..1..1…” over the FP while breathing out up until the utmost end of the exhalation.

Continuously say “ 2..2..2…” over the FP while breathing in up until the utmost end of the inhalation.

Continuously say “ 2..2..2…” over the FP while breathing out up until the utmost end of the exhalation.




Continuously say “ 9..9..9…” over the FP while breathing in up until the utmost end of the inhalation.

Continuously say “ 9..9..9…” over the FP while breathing out up until the utmost end of the exhalation.

Continuously say “ 10..10..10…” over the FP while breathing in up until the utmost end of the inhalation.

Continuously say “ 10..10..10…” over the FP while breathing out up until the utmost end of the exhalation.

(Now start counting backward from “9 to 1”)

Continuously say “ 9..9..9…” over the FP while breathing in up until the utmost end of the inhalation.

Continuously say “ 9..9..9…” over the FP while breathing out up until the utmost end of the exhalation.

Continuously say “ 8..8..8…” over the FP while breathing in up until the utmost end of the inhalation.

Continuously say “ 8..8..8…” over the FP while breathing out up until the utmost end of the exhalation.




Continuously say “ 1..1..1…” over the FP while breathing in up until the utmost end of the inhalation.

Continuously say “ 1..1..1…” over the FP while breathing out up until the utmost end of the exhalation.

Now you have already finished the first round.

Then count forward from “1 to 10” again.

Or if you want to quit the practice, just say “quit now” 3 times into your heart.

Then open your eyes.

Tips during the practice

-Whenever we get distracted, we may unable to remember what the last number we have just finished to count or what forward or backward counting is. Just bring our concentration back to the breath and the saying word at the FP, and start counting either forward or backward on whatever number we need from“1 to 10” at the beginning state of the inhalation.

-Whenever we get an image (such as the river, mountain, angle, animals, etc.) or feeling (For example, we feel that there is something crawling on our face, biting our leg, body swirled, squeamish, inflated, or else during the sitting meditation.) They are just illusions. They will be gone later if we keep practicing. Don’t open the eyes in order to see or check them, and don’t follow or enjoy any image incurred since it wastes the time and interrupts meditative progress. Moreover, your meditation would be finished. And it would be counted as 1 throne (see the Meditation measurement).

Such an illusion is a good phenomenon for practitioners since our brain and mind are adjusting for something new. It usually happens for beginners.

-Try to complete the first round from “1 to 10”, and backward from”9 to 1”.

-Repeat and repeat it as many rounds as we can.

– During the practicing, we will know and notice that neither the breath nor the mind is consistent.

Sometimes it is short.

Sometimes it is long.

Sometimes it is fast.

Sometimes it is slow.

Sometimes it is gentle.

Sometimes it is harsh.

Sometimes it (FP) is obvious.

Sometimes it (FP) is blurred.

In addition, the FP always changes its position in different Throne for the beginners.

However, we do not need to analyze them at all.  Just concentrate on the breathing and the saying word at the FP.

– Should you have any distractions incurred, and it seems to be uncontrollable, the FP will be blurred and vanished. In this situation, we have at least 2 alternatives. One, by changing the approach into Introductory meditation again.  Or quite sitting and/or start practicing Walking Meditation again in order to cultivate more mindfulness.