Before practicing Wasit breathing meditation.
In the beginning, we need to remove factors that would be able to make our minds distracted.
- Keep our legs by sitting in the crossed legs posture.
- Keep our hands together with the right hand on the left one and put them on the center of the lap.
- Then gently close our eyes. Now there is only the mind playing the performances.
No need to manipulate your back or spine since it would make your body felt tense. If your body feels tense, even a small part of it, the distractions will be aroused. Whenever your mindfulness and meditation are in dept enough, your back will be upright easily with the power of your breath by instructing the mind. Just sit comfortably at the beginning stage. Anyway, a straight spine is recommended.
Now starting into the Physical Focusing Approach.
Say (Mentally speak out in slow and soft tone): “sitting now” 3 times into your heart. Then
Say: “My forehead relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My left eye relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My right eye relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My eyes relax now” three times.
Say: “My left cheek relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My right cheek relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My cheeks relax now” three times.
Say: “My mouth relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My face relaxes now” three times.
Say: “ My neck relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My left shoulder relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My right shoulder relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My shoulders relax now” three times.
Say: “My chest relaxes now” three times.
Say: My abdomen relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My left leg relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My right leg relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My legs relax now” twice “ times.
Say: “My left hand relaxes now” three times.
Say: “My right hand relaxes now” three times.
Say: My hands relax now” three times.
Say: “ My whole body relaxes now “ three times.
Then get into the Counting Approach of The Breathing Meditation